Oil on canvas 70 x 60cm (36 x 35 inches)

The term “Invocation” comes from the Latin word - invocare which means ’to call upon. In certain worship and devotions - they are initiated with the invocation - we are calling upon God / Great Spirit to be there amongst us.

When I experienced first hand the magnificence and magnitude of the wild flowers up the West Coast into the ancient Cederberg Mountains, it immediately made me feel like I was in the presence of an entity so much greater that words can describe. All the wild carpets of colour, which are comprised of millions upon millions of wild flowers are simply breathtaking. As I remember from bible stories as a child - where two or three of you are gathered in my name, there I am in the midst of you. For me, no matter which way you choose to connect with the Great Creator of all life, when you experience the sheer beauty of this wild display of flowers, you feel something magical! With each of the flower scenes I create, my desire is to pass onto the viewer this sense of power and a reminder of that which we carry within us all.

Each painting serving as a personal invocation, an invitation for that beauty and greatness to reside within our each individual heart. Inspiration gleaned from this wild nature display and brought into your office or home - these flowers are always with you.

This work is framed in a white frame as displayed in the in situ image below. Currently available from the Christopher Moller Gallery, Cape Town, South Africa.


