Oil on canvas 90 x 70cm (36 x 28 inches)

One of the most magnificent displays of nature in New Zealand around Christmas time is the blooming of the Pohutukawa trees. They have a vast display of abundant, vibrant red flowers. The pōhutukawa tree is sacred in Māori culture and has many spiritual meanings. It is believed to connect the beginning and end of human life.

And so I named this piece - GOING HOME.

Those words - Going home, conjure up feelings of comfort and sanctuary. No matter how exciting a holiday is or vacation to somewhere other than home, going home is always nice!

My intention with this work is to draw upon the vibrancy of the natural red tones found in this trees blooming flowers and create a painting which is vibrant but also reminds us, according to Maori belief, of the significance of this unique and distinct tree.

When viewing this powerful piece, it would serve as a way to access that state of mind of stability and inner calm.

Some of the Maori beliefs associated with this tree include; the red flowers represent the entrance to the underworld where a Pohutukawa tree guards the entrance to a sacred cave where spirits pass.

This work is framed in a white frame as represented by the in situ image below. Currently in New Zealand - worldwide shipping available. Contact me here.


